A testimonial from John Hine – Christopher John Payne

A testimonial from John Hine

John Hine is a coach and runs a large Tai Chi organization which has trained over 120,000 people over the years.

I first met John around twenty years ago, at the Mind Body Spirit exhibition where we were both exhibiting. We met recently at the Marketers Lunch and he came to work with me for a day.

Here are some kind words from him…

“Chris knows a lot. Most importantly, he knows how to bring out the very best in people and in businesses. He knows how to put it all together, which is very rare. You see lots of people in the market who assign coaches and consultants but really, they are not that good — whereas Chris has got really firm foundations. The fact is, he’s at millions, doing the same for himself, and he’s also helped people do exactly the same thing.

I’ve spent an absolute fortune with consultants and guides and mentors over the years (it’s at six figures), but Chris is different. Chris teaches you how to think, how to put things into perspective, how to put your knowledge and your expertise into a process. Also, he’s outcome-oriented — and the outcome is what we want. That’s what I got with Chris: an outcome.

If you ever consider working with Chris, I would do it. If you want to move your business forward, if you want to make a lifetime income out of your business and improve it, then hire Chris. Chris is the go-to guy as far as reconstructing businesses, showing the way to do it, and achieving the outcome that you want.”

And here is the video testimonial…
