January 2017 – Christopher John Payne

Archive Monthly Archives: January 2017

Delving into The Check-In Strategy Journal with Adam Harris

Adam Harris is the co-author with Robert Craven of The Check-In Strategy Journal, published by Wiley. I interviewed Robert here.

In the short videos below you hear some terrific words of wisdom from Adam about how to move from struggling in a business to thriving, using a very simple strategy…

Adam talks about the different parts and the context of the book and how it enables its users to reflect and plan…

Adam talks about how the questions inside the book are formulated as well as its importance towards daily, weekly, monthly, and quarterly planning…

Adam shares his own experience as a coach. He also talks about the 3 main areas affecting businesses and business owners, and how he communicates through people similarly to how the book communicates to its users…

Adam talks about how he instills the importance of growth to his clients as their coach and how crucial it is for him to be working with people he trusts…

Adam talks about the purpose of the exercises in the book and how it helps a user’s accountability with regards to their business, relationship, and personal life…

Adam talks about how the book benefits organisations…

Adam talks about how he uses the book personally and for his business. He also explains how the book helps by providing clarity towards each goal, relationship and sharing…

Adam talks about how the book helps transform its users, and lets them keep track of where they are at and where they are going…

Get your copy of Robert and Adam’s book here.
