Copywriting for Sarah Staar – Christopher John Payne

Copywriting for Sarah Staar

Sarah Staar car 660Sarah Staar came to work with me a second time a few years ago. She is an incredibly successful online marketer with a 50,000-strong email list, earning $500,000 in the last year.

She drove to see me in the first car she has ever bought: she had never owned one before. Her husband bought her the cherished number plate as a gift. I couldn’t resist taking the photo on the right when she arrived.

I really like her as a person: she is very smart and laughs easily so I really enjoy the times I’ve spent with her.

Sarah Staar Chris Payne 4 May 2015 660She needed a long-form sales letter to be posted online and to be mailed to 1,000 people around the UK to promote her next product.

She had recently been recommended to use a guy, he wrote the sales piece, and she showed it to me and others.

I told her of the several areas where the letter was offtrack, so she booked to see me as soon as possible, which was a few days later on a public holiday.

You’ll hear in this video what we did during the day – which was not what she expected to happen!

You’ll discover the big aha’s she got about the copywriting process which I share with most of the people who come to work with me.


We had a fun working lunch sitting in the sunshine at a local pub next to the canal (you can see a barge behind me in the photo Sarah took below)…

Sarah Staar dessert 660

Chris Payne dessert 660

You can see the sales letter I wrote for Sarah here. The letter was mailed out as a 8-pager to Sarah’s 4-figure UK customer list. I designed an outer envelope too.

I did a talk mid-May to the GKIC London Group: a group of entrepreneurs who follow US marketer Dan Kennedy.
I filmed with 2 cameras: one from the back of the room, and one from the front so I could capture some of the audience questions and comments.

I explained in part of my 45-minute talk how you and I spent a day getting down some great stories and weaving them into the sales letter for Sarah’s workshop.

Max Alter, owner of Local Business TV and Videos For Accountants, said…
“I’ve known Sarah for a number of years, and seen her business develop. I know all the stories you’ve put in the sales letter, but I have never heard them told that way. And that is going to go down a storm with her list. Because the way she has told them she is much quieter and self effaced, and this is just absolutely phenomenal.”

Check out these other posts on this site which relate to Sarah…

How I created a product and got hundreds of signups for it in a matter of days – a short talk I gave at Sarah’s Internet Marketing meetup in London

Talking at The Internet Marketing Meetup, London – my first talk to her group

Meeting with Mike Chantry at Hilite DMS about direct mail list rental – a short video filmed on a day I drove with Sarah to meet with Mike

Sarah Staar interviews me in my home – she came with her high-end video equipment and filmed this interview


Chris Payne helps clients design winning products, designs sales funnels, rewrites all sales copy, provides webinar critiques, designs high-end mastermind programs, and more.
