Annik came to work with me yesterday for 2 days, staying the night as many of my clients do. One job we did today was to record this squeeze page video for her site, which we did in 2 takes…
Here’s a short video with an ouch at the end…
Here is a photo of my bruised lip where the arrow bounced up and hit me…
I visited Martin Avis in his home at the end of October 2013.
After a delightful lunch with Martin and his wife Delia in their favourite Italian restaurant, we sat down in their conservatory and recorded this interview about KISS2 and its highlights.
Sorry about the sound of rain which lashes down towards the end of the video! 🙂
I highly recommend that you get hold of the videos for this terrific event: you’ll learn some amazing ways to start earning money on the net in the short term.
Here he talks about his Ezine Academy product…
Sean Weafer is a sales coach and trainer based in Dublin, Ireland, who mainly works with big corporate companies like Oracle, Microsoft, British Telecom (BT), and others. He is the author of a great book called The High Trust Adviser which you can buy in paperback or for the Kindle at Amazon. He came for a day of consulting with me in my home in Woking at the end of October 2013. This is a testimonial he gave for me…
Martin Avis publishes the Kickstart Newsletter, a free (and excellent) ezine he emails to his 8,000 subscribers once or twice a week. I first met him at the London Lunch, an event Martin puts on every few months where Internet Marketers can get together over food, share their successes and get support.
In 2012 Martin put on the first KISS Workshop for IMers, and ran KISS2 in October 2013. Martin asked me to present at the event along with several others, and I helped him put together the sales letter to promote the event.
He recorded this testimonial for me, which was very kind of him…