Take the smallest next step to get started
This is a video I created about a famous children’s book written and illustrated by the supremely talented Peter H Reynolds who lives in the States.
This hugely inspiring book, which I bought for my sons when they were younger, shares an important lesson about getting started with any project with the smallest step imaginable.
This can then create momentum so your project begins to really take off…
I contacted Peter and linked him to the video above and he tweeted to say, “Your video was terrific. I might retire and let YOU carry on! He went on to say that he “spent a happy hour reading your blog recently. I found your words very inspiring.” I was stunned – and very touched! I have recently bought Peter’s book called Ish which is also delightful.
I have created an accompanying ebook about The Dot Principle.
Drop me a line if you’d like a free copy by messaging me via the Contact Me page.