Recommendation: graphic designer Wendy Barratt – Christopher John Payne

Recommendation: graphic designer Wendy Barratt

Wendy barrattIf you’re looking for a very skilled graphic designer to design website header graphics, logos, ebook covers, banner ads, etc, I would highly recommend my dear friend Wendy Barratt who lives on the south coast of England.

She’s fun to work with, does a great job, and charges a fair price.

Here are some of the jobs she has done.

The first job I got her to do was the packaging design for Fun School 2 when I was Managing Director of Europress Software…

Fun School 2 covers.jpg

Her designs helped us sell more than 100,000 of this product and led the way for more than 500,000 Fun School sales in all…

She designed this box for The Little Calm Machine for me…

Little Calm Machine

She also designed the packaging for my Effort-Free Life System CD set…

Effort free life system pack

She designed the packaging for the Alpha-Stim SCS anxiety and stress reduction device…

Alpha Stim SCS box

She designed the logo for my business, LifeTools, too…

LifeTools logo

She did a lot of other work for me, including lots of brochures, and the design for the Effort-Free Newsletter.

For other people I know…

She did this cover for Gary Courtenay’s book How To Write Sales Letters With Clout, after I recommended her to him…

Gary Courteny book cover

I recommended Wendy to Hale Dwoskin, creator of The Sedona Method, and she designed this cover for his home study course…

Sedona Method course box

She then created the packaging for his Practical Freedom and Absolute Freedom courses…

Practical Freedom packaging

I recommended Wendy to my dear friend Pete Bissonette at Learning Strategies based in Minneapolis. Pete commissioned her to design the box cover for the Euphoria home study course…

Euphoria Learning Strategies box

…and for Spring Forest Qigong…

Spring Forest Qigong Learning Strategies box

I have worked with Wendy for more than 25 years. She has become a dear friend, so I’m very biased – but I really think she’s hugely talented. If you agree, great!

If you live in the US, you would contact her in the morning your time, which is the afternoon her time.

You can contact her on +44 1903 230878, and email her at wendy [at] Her website is at

Do tell her I sent you! 🙂


Chris Payne helps clients design winning products, designs sales funnels, rewrites all sales copy, provides webinar critiques, designs high-end mastermind programs, and more.
