Case study: Freedom Now repackaged as the Sedona Method course – Christopher John Payne

Case study: Freedom Now repackaged as the Sedona Method course

Quite a few years ago I promoted a home study course based on the Sedona Method, which was then called Freedom Now. The Sedona Method is a 3-step process to get enable you to let go of anger, sadness, anxiety etc. Here’s what the packaging looked like…

Freedom Now cropped

I rewrote the sales letter and created a colour brochure to go with it, and mailed it to about 30,000 of my 50,000 customers here in the UK. We sold a few thousand units at around $300 per set.

I even won ‘Best Business To Consumer Direct Mail Campaign’ for the sales material for Freedom Now from the UK’s ECMOD Conference (European Catalogue and Maild Order Days) – was presented with a lovely trophy at an evening gala dinner…

Christopher John Payne Sedona Method direct mail award

I really got on with the creator of these recordings, Hale Dwoskin (here’s me with Hale outside the Sedona Method offices when my first son, Toby, was much younger)…

Hale Dwoskin Christopher John Payne

…and Hale and I talked about renaming the course as The Sedona Method Home Study Course, which Hale was keen to do.

Sedona Method course

I introduced him to my UK-based graphic designer, Wendy Barratt, who I’ve used for the last 25 years, and she came up with the design on the right.

I did some work on the workbook which came with the course, for example adding examples to some of the worksheets so people who were doing the exercises would get an idea of the kind of things to write or not write.

You’ll see an example below. I gave Wendy a typeface I’d had created from my own handwriting, and that’s what was used in the workbook…

Sedona Method workbook Christopher John Payne handwriting font

With the new product name and redesign of the box I then re-promoted this course to my mailing list and got another big surge of orders.

All told we sold about 7,500 sets at around the $300 mark.

Here are 4 takeaways for you…

  • Use the best graphic designer you can afford to design your packaging and promotional literature.
  • Consider repackaging existing products to give them a sales boost.
  • When creating documentation, see if you can add more examples so users understand more clearly how to get the most from your product.
  • Consider renaming your products too: often a new name can help lift sales.

Chris Payne helps clients design winning products, designs sales funnels, rewrites all sales copy, provides webinar critiques, designs high-end mastermind programs, and more.
