Stand-up debut
Here is a video from my planned set for my second stand-up performance on Thursday evening, March 13…
Here is the video from my first stand-up performance…
A comic critic in the audience wrote me this feedback…
“A brave and well executed set dealing with Testicular Cancer with skill and finding laughs at each level of the well crafted set. The audience were spellbound and the content was clearly well written and original. There was some good acting, some excellent pathos and it was moving …with squash balls being delivered to the audience at the end ..very good natural understanding of comedy and real signs of comedic potential. I liked his energy and ability to deliver lines that worked on lots of different levels…”
Let me know what you think!! 🙂
Here’s a terrific cartoon which Caroline Chapple, a very talented cartoonist and Sketchnoter, did on the night…