Effort-Free Life System – Christopher John Payne

Effort-Free Life System

The Effort-Free Life System is designed to help you go from a life of struggle to one where there is greater elegance, grace and ease.

The system consists of up to 19 CDs, 1 DVD and a 70-page playbook and has sold thousands of sets around the world at a price between US$297 and US$1,497…

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The program teaches you the ROBERTA Model: 7 steps you can do in 3-4 minutes each morning and evening to help you turn your life around.

This audio programme went on sale in the UK a number of years ago, then was launched in the USA and Australia.

I ran seminars to teach the program in the UK, USA and Australia.

Thousands of people bought the system, and hundreds wrote in with their success stories. It was quite overwhelming, in a nice way.

I wrote 45 issues of the subscription-based Effort-Free Newsletter. At its peak it had thousands of subscribers…


I’ve been working on a revised Version 2 in rare spare moments between my business clients.

If you are interested in knowing more, get in contact via the Contact Me page.
