A testimonial from Dominic Beecheno – Christopher John Payne
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A testimonial from Dominic Beecheno

Dominic Beecheno is the director of BGI Strategy Partners. 

I met him through his business partner Deri Llewellyn-Davis. We met in London, and he came to stay in my home and do work for a day. 

Here are some kind words he had to say…

I thought he was going to give me fish, but in fact he taught me how to fish. So now I’ve got so many more tools that I can use to make a whole lot more money than I have ever expected. So it’s been probably the best investment I have ever made.”

We have used advisors and consultants before, but quite often we ended up disappointed: it was all hype but actually none of the substance. With Chris, it was a bit of a hype but all of the substance. It was far more than I ever expected in terms of depth of knowledge and vision, and a real understanding of what our needs were and how best to engage with our clients. I’m really happy. 

I don’t think there’s anyone else in the country that knows as much as him, or is as engaged and fun to work with as Chris.” 

Watch his testimonial here…
