April 2014 – Christopher John Payne

Archive Monthly Archives: April 2014

Working with accountant Andrew Price

Andrew Price runs Andrew Price & Co, an accountancy firm based in Torquay. He enlisted me to record a series of videos for his website.

I filmed them at his offices, edited them and uploaded them to his website.

I filmed 53 videos of Andrew in one day: we did a number of retakes to get the final 19 complete videos we wanted.

I then spent a second day at home editing these and uploading them to his website.

Here’s one of the videos we created which was designed to encourage a qualified viewer to call Andrew regarding a vacancy he had for a client manager. Continue reading

Working with reputation expert Rob Brown

Rob Brown is an expert on building your reputation. He even has a book on it called How To Build Your Reputation: The Secrets Of Becoming The ‘Go To’ Professional In A Crowded Marketplace which you can buy at Amazon.

He has also created Volumes 1 and 2 of The Successful Networking Follow-Up Guide, and The Ultimate Objection Handling Script Manual. In addition he co-authored a book called The Business Of Professional Speaking.

He gave me copies of all of these, and here is what they look like when I laid them out in my home…

Rob Brown - How To Build Your Reputation book and more 640

Not only that, but Rob has a whole series of Special Reports and Pocket Guides, some of which you can download for free from his main site.

Rob wanted to create more higher-priced products to sell to his clients and prospects, so he asked my advice. In this short video he explains how I supported him… Continue reading
