This video was recorded at Sarah Staar’s Internet Marketing and Training Meetup in London in front of a packed house of 50 people. She invited me to join a panel discussion on product creation. On my left is Gavin McCoy who has published lots of books in various niches, and on my right towards the end of the video is Rob Cornish who has produced a number of e-courses and software products.
The footage shows my contributions to the discussion. The full 2-hour video is on sale at Sarah’s website.
In the recording I mention the Staar Gazer product I created at the previous Meetup where I was also on the panel. I recommend you watch that video first.
The guy who asked the question about payment methods half way through the video is Matt Kendall who runs the excellent Interesting Talks Meetup in London.
I gave a talk recently to the Quantified Self Meetup Group at Google’s Campus in London.
In the audience was Sara Marie Watson, a researcher who is is currently coauthoring a book about our future data society with a guy called John Battelle. She interviewed me over Skype about the project I have been working on: My Life Squared: a way I have systematically organised my memories, thoughts and ideas to help me make the most of my time and resources, so I have more fun!…