March 2013 – Christopher John Payne

Archive Monthly Archives: March 2013

PhotoReading promotional video

I commissioned this 11-minute video to promote the PhotoReading System in the UK. It was only on tape at the time, whereas now it’s a CD-based product.

We sent out tens of thousands of these videos in mailings. We sold 10,000 PhotoReading Systems at £200 to £600: $300 to $900. (The $900 version included coaching).


Waitress’s winning attitude leads to a $1,000 tip

I was so impressed by a waitress at a diner in Cleveland, Ohio, that I took her photo.

I decided I’d give her a $1,000 tip, but I didn’t have the cash. (She had no idea this was on my mind.)

You can see the full story of why I would even consider giving a $1,000 tip here (see two thirds down the post).

I went back to Cleveland several months later to spend a day with marketing expert Dan Kennedy (who now charges $18,000 a day for consulting). I brought the $1,000 in cash to give her. I rang the diner but Dana wasn’t working that day. Luckily I spoke with her best friend. I told her I had a $1,000 tip for her. Her friend rang Dana at home, Dana rang me at my hotel. We arranged to meet at her home.

This video is of our encounter. I filmed it because I wanted to show my clients that a winning attitude can pay big time.

Maybe you can get a feel from Dana’s reaction why she deserved the tip…


Keep in touch… and say thanks

My eldest son, Toby, is 13. He posted this photo on his Facebook page recently…

Christopher John Payne and Toby Payne

…and I was very touched that he posted that.

Who can you reach out to today so show your appreciation? It could be one of your business colleagues, a supplier, a customer – or a family member.

Think of a time when someone you know sent you a note of appreciation or gratitude. How did you feel? It may have made your day. That’s a gift you can easily give to someone else in just 1-2 minutes.

Yes, you could put it off to tomorrow, but equally you could do something now…

…because there’s no time like the present.

Take the smallest next step to get started

This is a video I created about a famous children’s book written and illustrated by the supremely talented Peter H Reynolds who lives in the States.

This hugely inspiring book, which I bought for my sons when they were younger,  shares an important lesson about getting started with any project with the smallest step imaginable.

This can then create momentum so your project begins to really take off…


I contacted Peter and linked him to the video above and he tweeted to say, “Your video was terrific. I might retire and let YOU carry on! He went on to say that he “spent a happy hour reading your blog recently. I found your words very inspiring.” I was stunned – and very touched! I have recently bought Peter’s book called Ish which is also delightful.

peter-reynolds-the-dot-repliesDot Principle 3D coverI have created an accompanying ebook about The Dot Principle.

Drop me a line if you’d like a free copy by messaging me via the Contact Me page.

Talking at The Internet Marketing Meetup, London

Sarah Staar runs the Internet Marketing Networking and Training Meetup in London which meets every month. A while back she invited me to join the panel at the Meetup, to a packed house of 50 people.

Here is a video of my contributions to the discussion where I talked about following your own path to success, the importance of stepping out of your comfort zone to develop key relationships to help your business grow, the power of deadlines, and more…

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