TV appearance: In Your Dreams documentary – Christopher John Payne

TV appearance: In Your Dreams documentary

In Your Dreams titles

A number of years ago I appeared in a documentary called In Your Dreams which was shown on national TV in the UK.

The documentary lasted 25 minutes, and I’ve selected a few minutes from it here: the part where a girl called Laura has been experiencing some troubling dreams.

She uses the Nova Dreamer lucid dream device which my business, LifeTools, was selling at the time, to help ease her symptoms…


The researcher found out about the Nova Dreamer as we were advertising it in UK-based New Age and alternative magazines, as well as the national press.

My part in it took a full day to film as there were 5 segments they wanted to use me in.

The director used an old Super 8 video camera to film me standing on a street corner – looking very serious – as he was driven past in a car…

In Your Dreams roadside Christopher John Payne

He also filmed me as I drove the car (not very safely with one hand)!

The crew attached a camera to the front bonnet and bumper of the car and filmed me as I drove along…

In Your Dreams camera on car

They filmed me on a hill on what was a cold, blustery day…

In Your Dreams Christopher John Payne

And they also filmed me in a darkened room explaining the Nova Dreamer to Laura…

In Your Dreams Christopher John Payne with Laura

I was also interviewed about lucid dreaming on a few BBC Radio shows.


Chris Payne helps clients design winning products, designs sales funnels, rewrites all sales copy, provides webinar critiques, designs high-end mastermind programs, and more.
